I’m a photographer + artist in the Las Vegas area with a BFA from UC Irvine. I specialize in photographing intricate scenes or tableaux that freeze and then reveal human locomotion. I’m always interested in finding more opportunities to collaborate with models. If you think you are a kindred spirit and would like to reach out to me, please do. I’m always looking for collaborations with other creatives and often I find inspiration from others’ work.
I have 10 years of experience in shooting with live models in doors and out and often with many logistics to figure out (asides from just lighting and composition). Many times a rely on the talents of a good team. Thanks and I look forward to working with anyone who contacts me here.
Interested in Posing? If you are interested in posing for motion sequences, just let me know by email (
[email protected]).
What do you Need? All you need is a well-lit space or room to pose in, the free Zoom app, and a relatively newer smartphone camera or web cam.
More Information: These shoots are conducted over zoom or the CLOS app and typically last 45 minutes. You pose in front of your camera while I capture / snapshot your movements.. After the shoot, I make adjustments to the photos and then composite them into motion collages using Photoshop and LightRoom. Wardrobe should be simple and emphasize your figure as well as the movement of your limbs. Typically nude figure poses work best.