Feedback from our members...
Since its creation, Adultfolio has rapidly become the premier website for hosting uncensored erotic and adult photography without the petty restrictions and stigmatisation around nudity that plague the Meta platforms and many other model/photographer networking sites. As a photographer specialising in male imagery, I appreciate the acceptance of many different genres of photography and the openminded attitude of the majority of models and photographers that constitute the membership of Adultfolio.
I joined Adultfolio a few months ago. As a commercial photographer of 25 years, I wanted to branch out into adult themes, and looking around the web Adultfolio was the one that came back as the go-to. Since joining I have met some great models, who have helped me along the way, and I hope people think get some great images. The DM messaging system works very well, and the feedback section helps ensure models are as safe as they can be. I would recommend AF to any aspiring model or photographer. Joe Median